Survival of the Fittest: The evolution of the language travel industry

The warm atmosphere at ALTO’s 5th Annual Conference in Madrid wasn’t just due to the Spanish weather; this event is second to none when it comes to a collaborative spirit, friendly ambiance, and a productive element behind each activity. The beautiful 5-star Westin Palace in the heart of Spain’s capital city played host to over


Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It…and Why the Rest Don’t

Verne Harnish aka “The Growth Guy” needs little introduction in ALTO’s circles. He joined us in 2011 for our London seminar, which left attendees invigorated with new ideas. (For a “blast from the past” moment of nostalgia, check out the old video clip.) Proving that not all sequels are bad, Verne’s second appearance for


Responding to the Market

ALTO held its annual conference in San Francisco in 2016, with high profile keynote speakers and opportunities for the leaders of the industry to get together and exchange ideas during the roundtable and panel sessions. The 2-day event was also designed to maximise the networking potential of having prominent industry players in the same room


Directions and Trends: A look to the future of our industry

Education agencies have a unique opportunity to shape the future of the study travel sector given their proximity to their client base. This was the message delivered by education strategist, Dr Alex Grech, at the 2-day ALTO Conference in New York City in 2015. The annual event brought together over 60 education agents and leaders
